The Admin user is meant for one or two users who have full control over the Nano Platform.
The privileges of an Admin are:
Add, remove and edit devices on the Nano
Network Manager. Configure the Static IP and ports the Nano uses
Zone Manager. Team members and their privileges
Add, remove and modify Zones. As well as move devices between zones
Member ManagerView Data. Add, remove and edit Team members and their privilegesdevices on the Nano and other Project settings
Control device. Set Alerts, User defined constants and Downlinks
Configure the network settings of the Nano
Project Admin. Change the Look and Feel, Dashboard and other Project settings
The Operator user is meant as a credential for user’s which only need to access the device data. They have access to the devices and data but do not need any management functionality.
The privileges of an Operator are:
View, edit, add and remove devices to the Nano
DataView data. View Device Logs and Stats.
Controls. Downlink functionality, Virtual field fields , Alerts and User defined constants.