
Using Modbus you can feed data from your IoT devices into your existing SCADA system and this is one of the key features of the Nano. This article will explain how to set the nano up to achieve this.

Modbus Port

  1. Log in as Admin, User: Admin Password: Admin

  2. Navigate to Project → Project from the sidebar navigation pane.

  3. The Project will show the Modbus Port and if Modbus Enabled is true.

These settings are not configurable, if you need to edit them Contact us.

Modbus Device Setup

  1. Navigate to the device Actions → Edit Device

  2. The device should have a Modbus Unit Identifier and a Modbus Master IP Address associated with it.

  3. If this is your first time editing the device, you will need to update these to match your system.

Register Addresses

Under Actions → Setup Device there is a tab labelled Modbus


The register’s and their size are shown here for inclusion into your system.



To test that modbus is functioning and set-up correctly on the Nano, we suggest using Modpoll

This is an easy way to poll the Nano platform for device data using Modbus from the command line.

  1. Install moppoll and open your Command Line

  2. Poll a specific register of the device. See below example.



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